New products
Processing Distillation and Rectification Plant
Catalog No: 10-1070
Condition:  new
Stock quantity: 1
Price: 997,500 €

EUROLUX complete continuous processing distillation and rectification plant (DRA) for the production of 10.000 Litre/day

rectified spirit or neutral alcohol

Produced from starchy or sugary feedstock

– N E W -

starchy  feedstock                                                  

  • wheat                                 
  • rye                                                
  • maize                       
  • rice                           
  • tapioca
  • cassava   

sugary feedstock:

  • sugar cane molasses
  • sugar beet
  • fruits
  • friut juice

spirituous feedstock

  • wine
  • beer

Final Product:                                                                                 

  • BIO – ETHANOL up to 99,9 %

Quality Standards:                                                            


  • rectified spirit                                                                    
  • neutral alcohol                                                                 
  • neutral alcohol extra fine filtrated                                       

Improves Final Products:

  • vodka
  • Korn distillate (german trademark)
  • brandy
  • pharmaceutical alcohol
  • Cosmetics industry

Commonwealth of Independent States according to GOST-Standard

For potable alcohol No.51652-2000:

  • Extra
  • Lux
  • Alpha

General plant sizes in following increments:

Continuous processing plants         batch-wised processing plants

(with 4 – 5 columns):                     (24 h – batch process with pot still):

  • 10.000 Ltr/day                      2.500  Ltr/day
  • 15.000 Ltr/day                      5.000  Ltr/day
  • 25.000 Ltr/day                      7.500  Ltr/day
  • 30.000 Ltr/day                     10.000 Ltr/day
  • 40.000 Ltr/day
  • 60.000 Ltr/day
  • 100.000 Ltr/day

According to the requie spirit quality there are systems necessary with up to 5 columns.

These columns are connected energetically according to the availble amount of steam.

Advantages of the EUROLUX-Technology:

  • Latest technology, process engineering, apparatus engineering, controls made by EUROLUX
  • Continuous advancement of the processes and components
  • Preliminary planning and project planning in close collaboration with the buyer
  • Usage of modern tools for the plant design and plant construction
  • 3D-Layouts
  • Theoretical training of the staff in our company by our technologists
  • Practical training oft he staff in our pattern plant at the local university during operation
  • PLC-simulation of the relevant processes oft he sections grain processing pending fermentation
  • Plant controlling, as requested automated, partial automated or manual
  • Measurement and control technology is based on the latest know-how of the PLC and bus technology
  • This is internal know-how of EUROLUX and has been study progress


Features of the continuous processing EUROLUX plants:

  • High product quality by an optimal feedstock yield with proven technology
  • Simple operation, manual or by the means of PLC from the control room
  • Energy saving by skillfull plant connection
  • Small specific water consumption

Quantity structure Input and Output substances

Processing Distillation and Rectification Plant
Technical data
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